Which Frames Are Right For Me?
A Frame for Every Face
Certain frame shapes will balance and complement your facial features while others can result in an unattractive, awkward look. The following guidelines will help you choose the most flattering frame shape for your facial features. Here are the specifics of what to look for and how you can solve problems in the various aspects of fitting.
General Frame Selection Guidelines
Though frame styles frequently change, use these general guidelines for selecting frames always apply:
Eye position
Regardless of the shape of the frame, your eyes should be centered within the lens openings of the frame.
The frame should be wide enough so there is just slight clearance between the frame temples and the sides of your head.
The top of the frame eyewire should follow (but not cross) your brow line, and should not be noticeably higher or lower than the brow lilies if you have thick eyebrows, consider a thicker, darker frame for balance.
The size and weight of your eyeglasses should be in proportion to your body size and weight. if you have a slim or petite build, choose thinner, more delicate frames for a balanced look.
Thinner, lighter, reflection-free lenses are always the best choice. Choose high index plastic lenses with anti-reflective (AR) coating for the most flattering appearance. If you have a bifocal prescription, choose Progressive lenses to avoid old-fashioned bifocal lines.
Pay particular attention to the fit of the bridge and maximum weight distribution an plastic frame or frames with no nose pads avoid wide bridges on low or shallow noses
Eye size
The outer edge of the frame should be even with the widest points on the head (usually just above are ears) The eye size is also contingent upon the Rx. it is not necessary to put a large frame on a large person
Decentration amount:
The difference between the frame Geometrical center Distance -- eye size plus distance between lenses -- and the client‘s Pupil Distance is known as due decentration amount The amount becomes important rapidly on higher-powered Rx's it is due to the decentration that a minus lens is thicker on the temporal edge and a plus lens is thicker on the nasal edge
Long shapes, though sometimes stylish, can be poor lens holders. This is especially true with plus lenses because the higher base curves cause the eyewire to lift off the lens and pop it out Eyewire barrels that protrude can also be a problem with heavier lenses, which require more tension and usually leave a gap in the eyewire.
Since most of the adjustments on a frame are done with this area, care must be taken to ensure that any adjustment necessary for client comfort can he made in the future include
- pantoscopic and retroscopic tilt
- temple spread or inward movement and the ability to rotate
- for proper temple fold
The hinge should be appropriate for the weight of the eyewear A spring hinge may not be able to apply enough pressure to the mastoid area to prevent the eyewear from slipping
Solid block end pieces are very limiting in their adjustment but are also among the strongest. This goes to show that with a good initial fit, adjustment lirni tions are not always a bad thing. When selecting temples, make sure they can be curved inward slightly just after the widest point of the head, Temples that are too short will cause problems. Make sure there is enough space between the temple and the back of the ear
What Face shape am I?
Determining Face Shape
There are seven basic face shapes: oval, diamond, round, square, triangle, inverted triangle and oblong. In general the most attractive frames gently counterbalance your face shape and features for example, if you have a round face, frames with angular shapes will counterbalance the roundness of your face for a more attractive look. Round frames will do the opposite -— they will exaggerate the roundness of your face (and possibly make your head look like a basketball -- sorry!).
For an Oval face
The oval face is considered to be the ideal shape because of its balanced proportions, To keep the ovals natural balance, look for eyeglass frames that are as wide as (or wider than) the broadest part of the face, or walnut-shaped frames that are not too deep or too narrow.
All oval face gives you the greatest freedom in selecting a frame shape -- you can wear nearly any frame style. Select a frame that is just slightly wider than the broadest part of your face Keep the size and weight of the frame proportional to your body size and weights
For a Round Face
A round face has curvilinear lines with the width and length in the same proportions and no angles. To make the face appear thinner and longer, try angular narrow eyeglass frames to lengthen the face, a clear bridge that widens the eyes and frames that are wider than they are deep, such as a rectangular shape.
The goal is to make your face appear longer and thinner, Choose low, wide rectangles and other short geometric shapes. frames with hinges located above eye level can help lengthen the face. A Bridge located near the top of the frame can also add length.
For a Square Face
A square face has a strong jaw line and a broad forehead, plus the width and length are in the same proportions. To make the square face look longer and soften the angles, try narrow frame styles, frames that have more width than depth and narrow ovals.
The goal is to make your face appear longer, with softer curves. Choose oval or slightly angular frame styles with curved corners. Frames with hinges located above eye level can help lengthen the face. A bridge located near the top of the frame can also add length.
For a Triangle-Shaped Face
The triangular face has a narrow forehead that widens at the cheek and chin areas. To add width and emphasize the narrow upper third of the face, try frames that are heavily accented with color and detailing on the top half or cat-eye shapes.
The goal is to add width to your forehead and make your jaw line appear softer and narrower. Choose frame styles that angle up and outward at the top corners. For women, cat's-eye shapes are flattering. For men, square frames are attractive. Frames with rimless bottoms are also good for both men and women. Frames with temples and bridge located near the top of the frame are best.
For an Inverted Triangle Face
This face has a very wide top third and small bottom third. To minimize the width of the top of the face, try frames that are wider at the bottom, very light colors and materials, and rimless frame styles (which have a light airy effect because the lenses are simply held in place to the temples by a few screws).
The goal is to make your forehead look narrower and add width to your jaw line. Choose frame styles that angle outward at the bottom. Aviator and “bow tie" shapes are good choices. Rectangular styles are also good. Frames with temples and bridge located near the middle of the frame help balance facial features
For an Oblong-Shaped face
The oblong face is longer than it is wide and has a long straight cheek line and sometimes a longish nose. To make the face appear shorter and more balanced, try frames that have a top-to-bottom depth, decorative or contrasting temples that add width to the face or a low bridge to shorten the nose.
The goal is to make your face appear wider and shorter. Choose round styles or geometric shapes with generous vertical dimensions. Decorative temples or temples with contrasting colors can help add width. Frames with temples and bridge located near the middle of the frame are best.
For a Diamond face
Diamond-shaped faces are narrow at the eye line and jawline, and cheekbones are often high and dramatic. This is the rarest face shape. To highlight the eyes and bring out the cheekbones, try frames that have detailing or distinctive brow lines, or try rimless frames or oval and cat-eye shapes.
The goal is to add width to your forehead and jaw, and make your cheekbones appear narrower. Choose softly curved frames that are no wider than your cheekbones. Square frames or frames with a straight top and rounded bottom are also good choices. Avoid decorative temples, which will exaggerate the width of your cheekbones.
What's the Best Colour for Me?
Colour Analysis
There are three keys to color analysis, All people have either a warm (yellow-based) or cool (blue-based) coloring. Everyone looks best in his or her own color base. Eyewear color should complement personal coloring. The main factors to determine the best color palette are the colors of the skin, eyes and hair.
Skin tone is the prime element in determining coloring. All complexions fall into one of two color bases — blue (cool) or yellow (warm). A cool complexion has blue or pink undertones, and a warm complexion has a "peaches and cream" or yellow cast. Olive skin is considered cool because it is a mixture of blue and yellow.
Eye colors are usually a secondary element in determining coloring because of the wide range of eye colors. For example, blue eyes can range from a cool almost—violet to a pale blue-gray, which is warm. Brown eyes can vary from a light cider shade (warm) through a medium-brown to a cool almost-black.
Hair colors are also considered warm or cool. Strawberry blond, platinum, blue-black, white, salt-and-pepper and "dishwater" brown are cool. Warm hair colors include golden blond, flat black, brown-gold, "carrot" and "dirty" gray.
Eyeglass Frame Colors
Once you have determined if you are “warm” or "cool," then you can find the eyeglass frame colors that will suit you the best Some examples of frame colors best for warm coloring are: camel, khaki, gold, copper, peach, orange, coral, off-white, fire-engine red, warm blue and blond tortoise. For cool coloring, the best eyeglass frame hues are black, rose-brawn, blue-gray, plum, magenta, pink, jade, blue and demi-amber (darker) tortoise.